A*STAR Scientific Equipment Finder

BIACORE T100: Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)


What is it?
a high performance system for real-time biomolecular interaction analysis, using surface plasmon resonance technology (SPR).

Manufacturer: GE HEALTHCARE

Model Name: BIACORE T100

Applications: Drug discovery & development, Biotherapeutics, Life science research

Instrument Overview: Biacore T100 from GE Healthcare is a high performance system for real-time biomolecular interaction analysis, using surface plasmon resonance technology (SPR). The system is intended for research and development activities requiring flexibility in assay setup.

Technical features and specifications:
Measurement channels: 4
Sample loading: Autosampler-up to 96 samples
Analyte concentration range: 1 mM- 1 pM
Chips: Different chips from GE healthcare
Software: Batch or single sensorgram viewing and data analysis

Charges: NA

Instrument Manufacturer URL:
Detailed Specifications: NA

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