The Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) is a national initiative with a global vision that seeks to use genomic sciences to achieve extraordinary improvements in human health and public prosperity. We are the trusted producer, custodian, and curator of Singapore’s genomic data. We read, reveal and (ω)rite DNA for a better Singapore and world. GIS leverages core capabilities in high quality sequencing and large-scale genome informatics, applied through four nucleic acid domains, to achieve impact for A*STAR, Singapore and the world. The key research areas at the GIS include Human Genetics, Infectious Diseases, Cancer Therapeutics and Stratified Oncology, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Cancer Stem Cell Biology, Computational and Systems Biology, and Translational Research.
Visit GIS WebsiteGIS Level 4: Chromium Connect System
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
A automated single cell droplet formation and ready to sequence library preparation system br>
Manufacturer: Hamilton
Model Name: 10x Chromium connect
Applications: 10x sc 3’mRNAseq and 10xsc5’mRNAseq assay
Instrument Overview: consist of chromium controller to generate single cell oil droplet with UMI and cDNA cleanup following to ready to sequence library preparation
Staff operated: $400/per batch library from 1 to 8 library in single run
Instrument Manufacturer URL: NA
Detailed Specifications:
GIS Level 4: Covaris E220 High Performance System
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
The E220 Focused-ultrasonicator enables multi-sample batch preparation, capable of processing a wide range of sample types and volumes. The E220 may be programed to process from 1 to 96 samples in a single batch.
Manufacturer: Covaris
GIS Level 4: Fully automated single-cell dispenser
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
The B.SIGHT uses CYTENA’s validated label free single-cell dispensing technology to isolate single prokaryotic cells, and detects even the smallest cells with high-resolution optics and cutting-edge illumination
Manufacturer: Cytena
Model Name: 4D Nucleofector Core+96-well Package
Applications: The B.SIGHT is a microbial isolation platform that uses cutting-edge optical microscopy and CYTENA’s single-cell dispensing technology to enable isolation of the smallest microbial cells. The second generation B.SIGHT revolutionizes microbiology research by enabling rapid and efficient isolation of bacteria from complex microbiome samples or transformed cultures used for strain development. It consists of a dispenser chip that rapidly produces microdroplets from the sample inside a disposable cartridge, combined with high resolution optical microscopy and real-time image analysis to guarantee the dispensing of single bacteria onto individual wells of a multiwell plate. Microbial product discovery and development projects can now be accelerated using the B.SIGHT. The device can be integrated into automation workflow and provides a cost effective and high-throughput generation of microbial isolates.
Technical features and specifications:
Instrument Manufacturer URL:
Detailed Specifications:
GIS Level 4: Hamilton Robotics EasyBlood Starlet Starlet
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
The easyBlood STARlet and STAR assay ready workstation fully automates image-based fractionated blood layer detection and fraction transfer, including plasma, buffy coat, and red blood cells, into one or multiple aliquots. Full traceability is provided, along with flexibility for additional automated applications related to the aliquoted fractions. Up to 144 primary samples may be processed at once.
Manufacturer: Hamilton
GIS Level 4: Illumina NextSeq550 Sequencing System
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
The NextSeq 550 System combines tried-and-true instrument technologies and tunable output with sequencing and array capabilities. Users can run transcriptome, targeted resequencing, genotyping, and other applications all on one platform.
Manufacturer: Illumina
GIS Level 4: Integra 96 well pipetting system
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384 meet the need for an affordable, compact, and easy to use pipette which greatly increases productivity and throughput, for a fraction of the cost of big and costly automated systems. The VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384 can do everything which the INTEGRA MINI 96 does, just with more flexibility for current and future applications. By offering 10 unique pipetting heads in varying volume ranges (0.5 to 1250 ul) and number of channels (24, 96, or 384 channels), both VIAFLOs can handle the widest range of applications and volumes. These instruments offer an unparalleled flexibility by allowing filling plates either by hand or by using the hands-free automatic mode, with up to 3 deck positions for even more productivity.
Model Name: VIAFLO 96
Applications: VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384 enable transfers of 24, 96 and 384 samples in a single step, thus increasing pipetting throughput and reproducibility significantly. At a fraction of the cost, they often surpass throughput capabilities of even expensive robots.
Instrument Manufacturer URL:
GIS Level 4: MiSeq System
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
The Illumina MiSeq system combines established sequencing by synthesis (SBS) technology with an innovative workflow. This enables you to transition from DNA to analyzed data in as little as eight hours. The MiSeq integrates cluster generation, sequencing, and data analysis with a single instrument.
Manufacturer: Illumina
GIS Level 4: NextSeq 500 Sequencing System
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
What is it?
The Illumina NextSeq 500 System is a desktop sequencer with power and flexibility to carry out applications such as whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing, whole transcriptome sequencing, mRNA-Seq, and methylation sequencing, among others. In one run it can sequence up to 16 exomes, up to 20 transcriptomes, up to 96 targeted panels, up to 40 gene expression profiling samples, and a full human genome at 30x coverage. Users can choose between high output or mid output flow cell configurations. At high output, up to 800 million paired end reads can be generated (at 150 bp read length) to produce up to 120 Gb of data in 29 hours. The NextSeq instrument also features a touch screen interface, automated software, and run statistics that can be monitored from any location. The Illumina sequencing systems utilize a well-established sequencing by synthesis (SBS) method in which fluorescently labeled nucleotide bases are detected as they are incorporated into DNA template strands. All four reversible terminator-bound dNTPs are present in each sequencing cycle; this feature minimizes bias of incorporation and greatly reduces raw error rates.
Manufacturer: Illumina
Next Generation Sequencing by Integrated Genome Analytics Platform @ Genome Institute of Singapore
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A*STAR Infectious Diseases Labs (ID Labs)
A*STAR Skin Research Lab (A*SRL)
Advanced Proteomics Platform (A-PROMPT)
Bioinformatics Institute (BII)
Biological Resource Centre (BRC)
Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI)
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS)
Institute for Human Development and Potential (IHDP)
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB)