A*STAR Scientific Equipment Finder

Characterisation: Surface Profiler @C3 (KLA Tencor P16)


2 Fusionopolis Way, Innovis, #08-03 Singapore 138634

 What is it? 
   A contact stylus tool for surface profiling of substrate.

Manufacturer:  KLA Tencor

Model Name:  P16

Applications:  Step Height Measurement. Surface Roughness
Instrument Overview:  The KLA-Tencor P-16 Profiler is a highly sensitive surface profiler that measures step height, surface roughness, waviness and film stress curvature on sample surfaces. System uses stylus-based scanning which remains in constant contact with the sample surface by means of a user-specified force to achieve high resolution.
Technical features and specifications: 
   Scan range: up to 200 mm
Vertical range: up to 110 um
Step height repeatability of 6Å or 0.1% (1σ)

   User operated: NA/hour, Staff operated: NA/hour

Instrument Manufacturer URL: https://www.kla-tencor.com/

Detailed Specifications: 

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