2 Fusionopolis Way, Innovis, #08-03 Singapore 138634
What is it?
This DIY setup aims to measure transmission signal of on-chip passive silicon photonic devices. It is only for edge coupling configuration with lensed fiber. Infiniium DCA-J Agilent 86100C Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope is attached to it to detect the high speed modulation signal.
Manufacturer: Keysight
Model Name: Infiniium DCA-J Agilent 86100C
Applications: Measure passive transmission signal, BFP imaging of the top out-coupling light, and high speed waveform up to 70GHz
Instrument Overview: Fiber coupling stages, top microscope, laser, photodetector, and top imaging system for real and Fourier space imaging.
Technical features and specifications:
wavelength range from 1490-1650nm, laser power < 10dBm, oscilloscope mode (DC to > 70 GHz), NIR camera from 900-1700nm.
Instrument Manufacturer URL: https://www.keysight.com/sg/en/home.html
Detailed Specifications: