A*STAR Scientific Equipment Finder

Imaging: Photoacoustic Imaging System (MSOT EIP-10)


2 Fusionopolis Way, Innovis, #08-03 Singapore 138634

What is it?
Optoacoustic imaging system

Manufacturer: iThera Medical GmbH

Model Name: MSOT EIP10

Applications: Biological processes and the effect of pharmacological substances can be observed in vivo and in real time, in high resolution, on a cellular and molecular level.

Instrument Overview: Visualization and quantification of endogenous and extrinsic optical absorbers, including but not limited to hemoglobin, melanin, lipids, proteins, organic dyes, nanoparticles etc.

Technical features and specifications:
1) Laser wavelength range: 680 nm to 960 nm, 1150 nm to 2300 nm. 2) Ultrasound sampling rate: up to 40 MHz


Instrument Manufacturer URL: https://ithera-medical.com/

Detailed Specifications:

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