A*STAR Scientific Equipment Finder

Lithography: 3D Laser Litho Sys (Nanoscribe Photonic Prof GT)


2 Fusionopolis Way, Innovis, #08-03 Singapore 138634

What is it?
A 3D printer that can be used to fabricate microscale 3D objects

Manufacturer: Nanoscribe

Model Name: Photonic Professional GT

Applications: 3D optical devices, biological scaffold, 3D surfaces for agriculture applications

Instrument Overview: Two-photon lithography based on femtosecond laser pulses

Technical features and specifications:
Objective lens: 20x air gap lens, 25x, 63x dip in or oil immersion mode
Light sources: Femtosecond laser, wavelength 780 nm, 100 fs pulse duration, 80 MHz repetition
Stage: Piezo stage
Software: Describe


Instrument Manufacturer URL: https://www.nanoscribe.com

Detailed Specifications:

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