2 Fusionopolis Way, Innovis, #08-03 Singapore 138634
What is it?
Inverted fluorescence microscope equipped with different light sources like white light, lasers, and mercury lamp. It was equipped with hyper-spectral scanning imaging system. The microscope can do standard fluorescent imaging as well as spectral imaging of a surface.
Manufacturer: Nikon
Model Name: TiRF
Applications: Brightfield microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy, spectral imaging
Instrument Overview: The microscope is equipped with Andor spectrograph, ANDOR CCD spectral camera, and motorized stage
Technical features and specifications:
Objective lens: 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x oil immersed, 100x oil immersed
Filters: DAPI, eGFP, TRITC, custom filter cubes
Light sources: Transmitted (LG-PS2 halogen), Fluorescence (Mercury burner), Laser 633nm
Cameras: Andor CCD
Stage: Automated
Instrument Manufacturer URL: https://www.microscope.healthcare.nikon.com/
Detailed Specifications: