A*STAR Scientific Equipment Finder

Nucleic Acid Purification: QIAsymphony SP


What is it?
QIAsymphony SP

Manufacturer: Qiagen

Model Name: QIAsymphony SP

Applications: Life science, including academic, and biomedical research, human identity testing, veterinary applications, quality control in pharmaceutical environments.

Instrument Overview: Versatile nucleic acid purification instrument providing high-quality nucleic acids compatible with with most common downstream assay technologies, such as real-time PCR, digital PCR, and next generation sequencing (NGS).

Technical features and specifications:
1-96 samples in 4 batches, from smallest forensic samples to 10 ml sample volumes
Input volume: minimum 200 µl
Elution volume: 30–500 µl (application dependent)
Protocols customizable (protocol steps, labware, etc.) on demand
Traceability and LIMS compatibility
Compatible with most commonly used sample tubes and elution tubes and plates
Kits: QIAsymphony DSP Virus/Pathogen Kits and other QIAsymphony Kits; QIAsymphony AS — artus QS-RGQ Kits (not available in all countries), Rotor-Gene Kits and other QIAGEN real-time and end-point PCR kits


Instrument Manufacturer URL:https://www.qiagen.com/

Detailed Specifications:

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